Trainers’ Corner

Interview with Jason Millar from MillarFit Personal Training

From a nutrition standpoint, what is the number one tip you would give your clients?

Jason: My best advice for nutrition is to not overindulge, to eat normal portion sizes, to read labels when shopping, and to try to eat as many whole foods as possible.  I would also suggest eating several small meals throughout the day instead of a few large ones.  And drink lots of water.
When you are busy and on the go, what is your favorite meal to take with you and what is your favorite restaurant for healthy foods?
Jason: When I am busy and on the go I always toss a few homemade protein bars in my knapsack.  I make these out of granola, fruit and protein powder.  I live in Toronto, Canada so my favourite local restaurant is Fresh.  I also like to treat myself to sushi occasionally.

Any final thoughts?

Jason: My advice is to take baby steps.  When you are starting out, just take it one step at a time.  Even small, healthy changes, like walking every day, add up to positive results!  Also, when planning changes to your fitness or nutrition, do your research.  There are so many great resources online.  Or speak to professionals.  Your health is worth the time and investment.  I wish everyone the best of luck.  Stay fit!

Here’s a sample of Jason’s training;

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